A Hub of Sales & Delivery Intelligence
Access and contribute to a Hub of Sales and Delivery intelligence that will support you and your team through the sales delivery lifecycle, from lead identifications to win celebrations.

veeuu crystallises collaboration in an easy to navigate interface shared within the team. We moved from having to “know who knows” and relying on what is in people’s brain to exploring intuitively a universe of structured data. Information is stored the way you think so is easy to retrieve. It is great.
Senior Manager - Services IndustryWhat if there was a hub of sales intelligence that helped you respond to RFP documents more efficiently? What if there was a knowledge base which you could easily access when writing proposals? How your life would change:
No more wading through emails looking for key contact names:
No more shifting through tons of documents in Sharebucket looking for the fancy presentation you produced last year:
No endless searches for case studies or client testimonials to convey your industry experience:
Such a hub of sales intelligence does exist. We just built it. It is the most advanced of all collaboration tools yet. We call it the veeuuUniverse simply because we didn’t want to restrict the information it can hold and like all universes it will only expand over time. Through your very own navigator you will jump from galaxy to galaxy exploring and mining information from the wider Organisation’s Universe.