Every sales or account manager will always claim they have the hottest deal and need all hands on deck to close it. Too often support functions’ focus is, as a result diluted, and “must-win” deals put at risk.
If you are new to a sales or sales support role you’ll quickly pick up the characteristics of a strong sales lead and one which isn’t going anywhere. If you’re experienced you’ll instinctively know where your time and energy should be spent. After all you don’t want to waste your and the company’s time chasing after lost causes. You want to concentrate on those opportunities that can be won.
You have however to provide a professional service achieve targets and balance focus and effort against what’s in the company’s best interests.
What if there was a simple but highly effective approach you could take to objectively assess every sales opportunity? Better still what if this approach was automatic and that every sales opportunity was scored against a set of criteria. Justifying where effort should be spent and help qualifying opportunities more quickly and accurately would just become easy.
veeuuQualifier scores opportunities against set criteria, highlights gaps in the sales plan, prompts for remedial steps.
veeuuQualifier increases pace at which you operate..